
May 13, 2023 in Discover Costa Rica, Discover Costa Ballena, Life in Costa Rica, Real Estate in Costa Rica

Retirees from around the world who are looking for a better quality of life are contacting our office wondering if all they have heard about retirement in Costa Rica is really true. Are people really happier living in Costa Rica? Are there really that many options for fresh and delicious food? And, most commonly, what is there to do for people to stay active and social? While people up north are hunkering down amid a surging pandemic and cooling weather, there is a strong desire for finding more living space. Housing markets in many attractive locations are still surging and there is a big trend for people moving out of urban centers and into suburbs. This has opened the door for many retirees to reap the rewards of selling their long-time family residence and buying a new, turnkey home in Costa Rica for a great value. Active retirees around the world, weary from lockdown, are ready to cut loose and enjoy themselves. And Costa Rica is a huge draw to this market of real estate buyers who are ready to move to a place that feels more free. Life in Costa Rica is for people who want an aesthetically pleasing environment that provides for all of the comforts of a life well-lived. Here, you will find quality hospitality entertainment, enticing group trips and outings, and highly-sought connections. Live a better life on your own terms in Costa Ballena — a place where people from all over Costa Rica and the entire world have coalesced in the last few decades to create a beautiful way of life for all who are blessed to find themselves here.

Entertainment for all ages

Retirees who come to Costa Rica typically arrive with plenty of time and money. What they are searching for is a way to enrich their lives. They want to feel entertained by those who care about their presence — and businesses in Costa Ballena are totally on board!  Those who are eternally vacation-minded will want a lineup of entertaining amenities that rival those found in all-inclusive resorts. And in Dominical, Uvita, and Ojochal, our many quality restaurants and bars feature specials that cater to a more leisurely lifestyle, with most events kicking off at a mid-afternoon time slot. Live performances — when they are allowed — will often begin at an earlier hour, too. Regular events in our communities include all types of body work classes like yoga, pilates, and self-defense. There are also afternoon drink mixers, arts classes, and group hikes. Golfing, fishing, birdwatching and dance classes are all catered for in our small but active communities. Whatever your hobby or passion, it's likely that there's a group in the area that will be welcome to join.

Group trips and outings

After retirement and giving up your busy routines, it can become a bit more challenging to remain socially-focused. Our Costa Ballena communities are all about bringing people together to share in the things that we enjoy in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Moving to Costa Rica will give you new things to work towards and to look forward to. Better health, more time and space to focus, and a deeper more vibrant relationship with nature and life are just some of the improvements that our clients report from their change in lifestyle after moving to Costa Rica. Retirement is a new time to pursue goals and be fearless again. Retirees who are not ready to give up on their social lives are finding all kinds of reasons to get together with new friends to explore their new home country together. Theatre trips to San Jose, second-hand furniture shopping trips, museum visits and cultural outings—retirees in Costa Rica can do all the things that excite them in a new land with new friends. 

Highly-sought connection

Our need for connection is mutual. People who are adventurous enough to move to Costa Rica don’t want to be hidden in their homes, lost in dreary routines, or trapped in obligations that fail to bring joy. With children grown and careers winding down, this is the time for retirees to revel in their lives. The goal for many moving to Costa Rica is to create joy for the second half of their lives. This is a time to use skills, creativity, experience and spirit. People seeking connection will find people who live near them to start a book club or coffee group. It is easy in Costa Ballena to locate those who share your passions for mahjong, camping, writing, or anything else you have your heart set to. Using our great, high-speed internet options, it’s easy to find all the friends you want on our many community message boards. Costa Ballena is also the place to make a part-time job of your hobbies—if you so desire! The wide range of people living here and the continuous stream of incoming tourists creates opportunity for spontaneity and extravagance. Many who have moved here have been inspired to craft for their passions and share with the wider community via our many farmers’ markets and boutique stores.

Final thoughts

Culture in Costa Rica focuses on the good things that happen with age. Patience, compassion, less judgement, and accepting yourself—all of these skills are honed with age and lead to abundance in Costa Rica. Ours is a welcoming environment to share joys, fears, concerns and common spirit. With age, you grow in strength and courage that you didn’t have before to choose a more adventurous lifestyle. Now is your time to choose to experience your wilder side in Costa Ballena.

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